生于中国,广东省,现居东京,是一名艺术家和平面设计师。先后毕业于中央美术学院视觉传达系,东京艺术大学GAP学科,作为一名跨学科艺术家,吴卓霖主要表现媒介为视觉艺术装置和图像插画。她坚持艺术源于对日常生活的观察,她善于以轻松的艺术表达方式引导观众往社会性的深层思考。同时她注重于作品的互动性,希望能让观众参与到作品之中并有身临其境的感觉。她认为“艺术应该打破场地和限制的界限,任何地方都可以成为展出的场所,只要你找到合适的表达方式” .
Born in Cantone, China. Chakurin is an international artist and graphic designer now living and working in Tokyo. Having graduated from China Academy of Art in 2015, she is now pursuing her art practice in Global Art Practice at Tokyo University of Art. An interdisciplinary artist, Chakurin’s principal mediums are visual art, installation and image. She insists that art originally comes from daily life, she uses the ordinary object to create art. Another research direction is participatory art, how to engage with a broader audience is essential to Chakurin’s working philosophy. ‘Art should break the boundary of sites and limitations, any place could be a venue for art, as long as you find your own niche’.